

Honda Issues 2012 North American Environmental Report

Honda today released its eighth annual report on the environmental impact of the company's operations in the North America region (U.S., Canada and Mexico)...

Honda today released its eighth annual report on the environmental impact of the company's operations in the North America region (U.S., Canada and Mexico) and its ongoing efforts to minimize that impact by reducing waste, conserving resources, and improving energy efficiency. The Honda 2012 North American Environmental Report covers the fiscal year that began April 1, 2011, and ended March 31, 2012 (FY12), and is published in digital format only. It can be viewed and downloaded here.

Highlights of the 2012 North American Environmental Report include:

  • Products – the CO2-adjusted fleet-average fuel economy of Honda and Acura automobiles sold in the U.S. in model year 2011 rose 0.8 mpg, or 3.2%, to 25.7 mpg, versus the previous model year. This compares to an increase of 0.2 mpg, or 0.4%, to 22.8 mpg for the total U.S. light-duty vehicle fleet during the same period.
  • Purchasing – an estimated 6 million pounds of CO2 emission associated with the transportation of mass production parts from North American suppliers to Honda plants in the region were avoided through strategic planning and numerous other "green logistics" initiatives.
  • Manufacturing – the CO2 emission intensity of automobile production in North America, at 695 kg/unit, was down 2.0% versus the FY2001 baseline and reduced 4.5% versus year-ago levels, primarily as a result of less carbon-intensive electricity supplies.
  • The energy intensity of automobile production –from electricity and natural gas consumption, representing approximately 96% of total energy use – was down 4.4% from the FY2001 baseline but was up 2.7% versus the previous fiscal year.
  • Waste to landfills from manufacturing operations was reduced 96.5% from the FY2001 baseline and 57% from the year-ago results to a total of just 1,000 metric tons. Landfill waste per unit of automobile production fell 96.8% from FY2001 baseline levels and 48% from the previous year's results to just 0.8 kilograms per automobile.
  • Sales and Service – the CO2 emissions intensity of transporting service parts to Honda's U.S. dealers was reduced 23.8% over a four-year period (FY08-FY12), including a reduction of 5,076 metric tons in FY2012. American Honda also achieved zero waste-to-landfill for one of its nine U.S. parts distribution facilities (10 of its 14 North American manufacturing facilities have already achieved zero waste to landfill). The company also established the Environmental Leadership Award "green dealer" program for its U.S. Honda and Acura automobile dealers.
  • Administration – in FY2012, Honda earned LEED Gold certification for its twelfth "green building" facility in North America, the most of any automaker operating in the region. The company also completed installation of an 800 cell, 100 kilowatt array of Honda CIGS thin-film solar cells at the headquarters of its U.S. motorsports engineering company, Honda Performance Development in Santa Clarita, California.
  • Global CO2 Targets – Having achieved all but one of its voluntary goals, set in 2006, for a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions from both its products and production operations (compared to 2000 levels), Honda in 2011 announced a new target: to reduce CO2 emissions from the in-use stage of its automobile, motorcycle, and power equipment product lines by 30 percent by 2020 (compared to year 2000 levels).
  • In 2012, CO2 emissions from automobiles actually rose 2.9% versus year-ago levels, due in part to increased sales of larger SUVs in North America, and reduced global sales of smaller vehicles as a result of the Great Eastern earthquake in Japan and severe flooding in Thailand. Automobile CO2 emissions were still down 9.5% from year 2000 levels.
  • CO2 emissions from motorcycles and power equipment products were reduced 24.1% and 13.5%, respectively, from 2000 levels.

Additional information on Honda's environmental performance outside of North America can be found in Honda Motor Company's Environmental Report, with a focus on the company's activities in Japan – available at (or by clicking here).

Executive Quote
"At Honda, we have made the issues of greenhouse gas emissions and energy sustainability central pillars of our effort to create new value for our customers and society," said Tetsuo Iwamura, chief operating officer of Honda's North American Regional Operation. "This effort extends beyond our products to include all aspects of Honda business operations in the region, including the factories that build our cars, and the operations that support them in the marketplace."

Honda Environmental Leadership
Honda is a leader in the development of leading-edge technologies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Honda has led the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) rankings of overall vehicle environmental performance since 2000, and a Honda vehicle has topped the list of America's greenest vehicles from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) for eleven out of the past twelve years. The company leads all automakers with twelve LEED-Certified "Green Buildings" in North America, and last year announced that ten of its 14 North American manufacturing facilities are zero-waste to landfill.

In 2006, Honda became the first automaker to announce voluntary CO2 emissions reduction targets for its global fleet of automobile, power sports and power equipment products and its global network of manufacturing plants. In 2011, the company set a new CO2 emission reduction targets for 2020, including a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions from its products compared with 2000 levels.

Media Contact Information:
Marcos Frommer: 310-783-7837

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