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Honda-OSU Honor Math Medal recipients

The annual Honda-OSU Math Medal Awards have recently recognized the top senior mathematics students in 221 high schools in southwest and central Ohio.
The Math Medal Awards are presented by the Honda-OSU Partnership, a partnership Honda has with the university that supports programs in education and research to benefit the transportation industry.
The “math-elites” and their guests attended the regional math medal ceremonies on Oct. 29th at GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH and on Nov. 3rd at Honda in Marysville, OH for presentations of the awards.
“Math is the foundation for so many of our advancements, particularly the kind of advancements a technology-driven company like Honda needs,” Honda-OSU Partnership Co-Director Mike Wiseman said at the ceremony.
Recognized as their school’s top math student in the Class of 2017, each student received a pewter math medal, plaque and $100 gift card. In addition to the award, math medal recipients interested in an engineering career are encouraged to apply for a $3,000 scholarship at the Ohio State University College of Engineering.
“We are grateful that our strong partnership with Honda provides the opportunity to recognize these high school seniors who excel in math and science,” said David B. Williams, dean, Ohio State College of Engineering. “We hope these outstanding students will put those talents to use as Buckeye engineers.”
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