Our Community
HondaGo Volunteers Pack Food Boxes for Seniors

What better time of year than the holidays to help those less fortunate? That’s what more than 40 Honda of America Mfg. associates and their family members did the weekend before Thanksgiving.
HondaGO Volunteers filled more than 1,000 boxes with food to support senior citizens in the Marysville, Ohio area as part of the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio’s Senior Box Program. The local program strives to improve the health of the low-income elderly population by supplementing their diets with nutritious food including protein, cereals, rice, fruits and vegetables.
Second Harvest is a regional nonprofit committed to fighting hunger. Working together with a vast network to acquire, gather, and distribute nutritious food, Second Harvest helps feed tens of thousands of people throughout a four-county area.
Scott Jessee, Marysville Auto Plant engineering coordinator, has been with Honda for 32 years, and volunteered along with his wife, also a Honda associate, and their teenage son.
“It was awesome to see everyone smiling and working together to help many folks that aren’t as fortunate as we are,” said Jessee. “This experience was very rewarding and I am glad that I was able to help out my community.”
HondaGO Volunteers are associates, retirees and their family members who volunteer to help their community by volunteering in the evenings, on the weekends or in their spare time for the community programs of their choice. Since 1995, Honda has supported more than 1,800 volunteers, each one working to be a force for positive change in their community.
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