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Volunteers Help Revitalize Historic Theater

A recent volunteer project brought back fond memories for some Honda associates who helped rehabilitate an historic theater near Columbus, Ohio.
Nearly 40 associates gathered at the Holland Theater on Feb. 18 to help organize, clean and paint areas of the historic theater, and many of them had personal memories to share about the facility.
“Being involved in an event that gives back to such a landmark like the Holland is a treat,” said Greg Criner, quality staff associate at the Marysville Auto Plant. “Just the architecture on the inside is amazing. It seems to transport you to another place and time that is not normally associated with theaters.”
Built in 1931, the historic theatre is on the National Register of Historical Places and serves as an anchor for the downtown revitalization of Bellfontaine, OH. The restoration and adaptive reuse of the Holland offers an opportunity to build upon a community asset while preserving a nationally significant structure.
A local preservation group has been working since 1999 to restore this landmark.
“Working with the HondaGO team and feeling the sense of teamwork really reinforces the family environment. I would encourage others to get involved, it was very rewarding,” said Criner.
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